Tag Archives: #FinancialDueDiligence

Asset verification Meaning?

Asset verification  Asset verification refers to the process of confirming the existence, ownership, and value of assets held by an individual, organization, or entity. It involves conducting a thorough examination and assessment of various types of assets.  Such as real estate, vehicles, equipment, inventory, financial investments, and intellectual property, among others. The purpose of assets… Read More »

No statutory dues certificate by Chartered Accountant?

  No statutory dues certificate Understanding the Significance A ‘No Statutory Dues Certificate’ issued by a Chartered Accountant serves as a declaration that the company has met all its statutory obligations concerning taxes, duties, and other dues within the stipulated timelines. This certificate is not merely a formality but a rigorous assessment of financial records… Read More »

Are assets recorded at fair value

Fair Value Accounting   Assets can record at fair value under certain circumstances and accounting standards. Fair value accounting is an approach where assets measured and reported on the financial statements at their current market value. The fair value denotes the price at which an asset could trad between informed and willing parties in a… Read More »

Why 15CA/CB is required?

Form 15CA CB purpose Form 15CA CB purpose, The Indian government mandates the use of 15CA and 15CB forms for specific financial transactions involving non-residents. Here’s a brief explanation of each form: 1.Form 15CA: This form is use for remittances (money transfers) that are subject to tax deduction at source (TDS) under the Indian Income… Read More »