Tag Archives: #FinancialDisclosure

When are LLP accounts due?

When are LLP accounts due     The due date for filing LLP accounts can vary based on the jurisdiction and the regulations pertaining to LLPs in a particular country. Here are some general guidelines to consider, keeping in mind the potential variability:  United Kingdom (Companies House): LLPs in the United Kingdom are required to… Read More »

Who prepares the annual report of a company?

Annual Report for Company   The Annual Report for Company is typically prepared by the management and financial team of the compan. In collaboration with the company’s auditors and other relevant stakeholders. Here are the key parties involved in preparing the report: 1.Management: The management team, including the CEO, CFO and other executives, plays a… Read More »

When LLP is required to audit ?

When LLP is required to audit     The requirement for LLPs to undergo an audit varies based on the jurisdiction and the specific regulations in place. Here are some general guidelines regarding when an LLP may be required to undergo an audit:  Size Criteria: In many jurisdictions, LLPs are required to undergo an audit… Read More »

Q10.44 Book keeping VS Accountancy ?

Book keeping VS Accountancy   Book keeping VS Accountancy Website link Book keeping VS Accountancy Bookkeeping and accountancy share a close connection in the domain of financial management, yet they encompass separate roles and responsibilities, making them unique from each other.. Here are the key differences between Book keeping VS Accountancy: Scope: Bookkeeping focuses on… Read More »

What is No statutory dues certificate?

No Statutory Dues Certificate: Understanding Its Importance and Implications In business transactions, a “No Statutory Dues Certificate” plays a crucial role, indicating compliance with all statutory obligations. Here’s a comprehensive guide to its significance and impact. What is a No Statutory Dues Certificate? A No Statutory Dues Certificate, often required in commercial transactions, certifies that… Read More »

Meaning Of Turnover Certificate

Meaning Of Turnover Certificate Meaning of turnover certificate typically refers to a document issued by a company or organization that provides information about its financial turnover during a specific period. The turnover certificate used to validate or verify the revenue generated by the company within the given time frame. It often requested by external parties,… Read More »

What is fund Utilization Certificate?

 Certificate of Fund Utilization   A fund utilization certificate is a document that provides information on how funds received from a particular source or organization have been utilized. It serves as a financial statement that demonstrates the proper allocation and utilization of funds for the intended purpose. The certificate is typically issue by the recipient… Read More »

When Turnover Certificate is Required?

Requirements of Turnover Certificate   Requirements of Turnover Certificate, A turnover certificate may be required in various situations, depending on the specific requirements and regulations of the requesting party. Here are some common instances when a turnover certificate may be required: 1.Tendering or Bidding for Contracts: When participating in the procurement process for government or private… Read More »

Turnover Certificate for Gem Portal

Turnover Certificate For Gem Portal   To obtain a turnover certificate for GEM portal (Government e-Marketplace), you may need to follow the specific guidelines and procedures outlined by GEM. While the exact format and requirements may vary. Here are the general steps you can take to obtain a turnover certificate for GEM: 1. Register on… Read More »

CA turnover certificate format?

CA Turnover Certificate There is no standard or universally recognized “CA turnover certificate format”.  Because,  it may vary depending on the specific requirements or context in which it is being used. However, if you need a turnover certificate from a Chartered Accountant (CA), you can reach out to a CA or an accounting professional who… Read More »