Tag Archives: #FinancialAnalysis

Book keeping and Accountancy difference

Bookkeeping v/s Accountancy Bookkeeping v/s Accountancy, Bookkeeping can be accomplished without relying on QuickBooks or any other accounting software, while still maintaining its distinctiveness: 1. Scope: Bookkeeping primarily focuses on recording and organizing financial transactions, such as recording sales, purchases, payments, and receipts. It involves maintaining accurate and detailed records of these transactions using journals, ledgers,… Read More »

What is Turnover Certificate Format?

Turnover Certificate Format     However, here are some common elements that are typically included in a turnover certificate format: 1. Heading: The certificate usually begins with a heading that states “Turnover Certificate” or a similar title to clearly indicate the purpose of the document. 2. Company Information: The certificate includes the name, address, and… Read More »

What are the Methods of valuation of assets?

Approaches to Asset Valuation Approaches to asset valuation, There are several methods commonly used for the valuation of assets. The selection of the approach relies on the characteristics of the asset and the intended objective of the appraisal. Here are some key methods of asset valuation: 1. Market-based Approach: This method determines the value of an… Read More »

Asset valuation certificate for compananies?

Asset valuation certificate   An Asset Valuation Certificate for companies is a document that provides an official assessment of the value of a company’s assets. This certificate is often required for various purposes, including financial reporting, mergers and acquisitions, loan applications, or legal and regulatory compliance. Here are the key components typically included in an… Read More »

Property valuation Certificate by Chartered Accountant?

Property valuation Certificate by CA A property valuation certificate by a Chartered Accountant (CA) refers to a professional assessment conducted by a CA to determine the value of a property. Chartered Accountants who specialize in property valuation provide their expertise to evaluate the fair market value of a property and issue a valuation certificate. Here… Read More »

How to prepare provisional financial statements?

Provisional Financial Statements   Preparing provisional financial statements entails the development of interim financial statements for a designated timeframe prior to the availability of the final statements. Here are the steps to prepare Provisionals financial statements: 1. Gather Available Data: Collect all available financial data for the period you want to prepare the pro visional… Read More »

CA valuation Certificate?

  CA valuation certificate A CA valuation certificate refers to a valuation report or certificate issued by a Chartered Accountant (CA) regarding the valuation of assets or businesses. Chartered Accountants who specialize in valuation services assess the value of assets, businesses, or other financial instruments and provide their professional opinion in the form of a… Read More »

Are assets recorded at fair value

Fair Value Accounting   Assets can record at fair value under certain circumstances and accounting standards. Fair value accounting is an approach where assets measured and reported on the financial statements at their current market value. The fair value denotes the price at which an asset could trad between informed and willing parties in a… Read More »

Project finance reporting to?

Project finance reporting   Project finance reporting is generally carried out by multiple stakeholders who are involved in the project. Here are some key entities that may be responsible for project finance reporting: 1.Project Sponsors: Project sponsors are the entities or individuals who initiate and oversee the project. They are often responsible for providing updates… Read More »