Tag Archives: #FinanceProfessionals

Are bookkeepers Accountants?

Bookkeepers and Accountants     Bookkeepers and accountants perform distinct roles in the realm of finance and accounting, although their responsibilities are intimately intertwined. Bookkeepers are responsible for recording and organizing financial transactions, maintaining ledgers, and ensuring accuracy in financial records. They typically handle day-to-day tasks such as recording sales and purchases, reconciling bank statements,… Read More »

RCM in GST: What is the full form of RCM in GST?

RCM in GST The RCM stands for Reverse Charge Mechanism in GST. The Reverse Charge Mechanism is a concept under GST wherein the recipient of goods or services is liable to pay the GST instead of the supplier. To put it differently, the Reverse Charge Mechanism necessitates that the individual receiving goods or services obliged… Read More »