Tag Archives: #FinanceExplained

Bookkeeping with no Experience?

Bookkeeping with no Experience   Introduction Bookkeeping is an essential financial process that involves recording, organizing, and managing business transactions. Many individuals and small business owners may find themselves needing to handle bookkeeping tasks without prior experience. This guide provides insights into bookkeeping for beginners, covering its definition, benefits, usage, limitations, and applications, along with… Read More »

Does net liquidating value include margin?

Liquidating Value Include Margin   What is Liquidating Value? Liquidating value refers to the estimated amount that can be realized from selling off a company’s assets in a distressed situation, such as during bankruptcy or liquidation. It’s a measure of the total cash that could be generated if all assets were sold and liabilities were… Read More »

What is 15CA?

  15CA definition Form 15CA is a declaration form required by the Indian government for certain remittances made by residents of India to non-residents. It is used to ensure that appropriate taxes deduct and pay to the government before the funds are transferred abroad. 15CA definition When an Indian resident makes a remittance to a… Read More »