Tag Archives: #FinanceExperts

What is 15CB?

    User Intent Users searching for Form 15CB are likely looking for an in-depth understanding of its purpose, application, and benefits. They might be tax payers, accountants, or business owners dealing with foreign remittances who need to know when and how to use this form. This article provides a step-by-step explanation to help them… Read More »

Are bookkeepers Accountants?

Bookkeepers and Accountants     Bookkeepers and accountants perform distinct roles in the realm of finance and accounting, although their responsibilities are intimately intertwined. Bookkeepers are responsible for recording and organizing financial transactions, maintaining ledgers, and ensuring accuracy in financial records. They typically handle day-to-day tasks such as recording sales and purchases, reconciling bank statements,… Read More »

What is the difference between section 112 and 112A of the Income Tax Act, 1961?

Section 112 Vs. 112A Income Tax  Section 112 and Section 112A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 address the taxation of long-term capital gains from the sale of listed equity shares or equity-oriented mutual funds. However, there are several distinctions between these two sections Section 112 Vs. 112A Income Tax. Applicability: Section 112 covers all… Read More »