Tag Archives: #FinanceDiscussion

Can LLP trade in derivatives?

Can LLP trade in derivatives?   The capability of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) to engage in derivatives trading can be influenced by several factors, such as the jurisdiction in which the LLP operates and the particular laws and regulations governing such activities. However we can explain “Can LLP trade in derivatives?” Governing partnerships, and… Read More »

PAN number: Does the PAN number become a part of the GST number in registration?

PAN number GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) is a unique 15-digit alphanumeric code issue to every registered taxpayer under the GST regime. The first two digits of the GSTIN represent the state code, followed by the next 10 digits representing the PAN number of the taxpayer, then a 2-digit entity code for the… Read More »

Can a non-GST registered company issue a tax invoice?

User Intent Users searching for this topic likely want to understand whether a business without GST registration can issue a tax invoice. They may be business owners, entrepreneurs, or accountants looking for legal clarity. This article provides a step-by-step explanation, covering definitions, applications, benefits, limitations, and comparisons. Introduction Tax invoices play a crucial role in… Read More »