Tag Archives: #ExpenditureManagement

Fund Utilization Rate?

Fund Utilization Rate It refers to the percentage or proportion of funds that have been utilized or spent compared to the total available funds. It is a measure of how effectively and efficiently funds can utilize for a specific purpose or project. This is calculated by dividing the total funds utilized by the total available… Read More »

What is fund Utilization Certificate?

 Certificate of Fund Utilization   A fund utilization certificate is a document that provides information on how funds received from a particular source or organization have been utilized. It serves as a financial statement that demonstrates the proper allocation and utilization of funds for the intended purpose. The certificate is typically issue by the recipient… Read More »

What is the meaning of cost control?

Cost control Cost control is the process of overseeing and managing expenses in an organization, ensuring they remain within predetermined boundaries. It encompasses activities such as monitoring, analyzing, and reducing costs to optimize profitability and attain financial stability. Implementing effective cost measures is crucial for businesses to remain competitive, enhance operational efficiency, and meet their… Read More »