Tag Archives: #EthicalBusinessPractices

Why business license is important?

Importance of business license   Importance of business license, A business license is important for several reasons: Legitimacy and Compliance: A business license provides legal recognition to your business and demonstrates that you are operating within the laws and regulations of your jurisdiction. It helps establish your business as a legitimate entity and can enhance… Read More »

How many company secretaries can a company have?

How many company secretary can a company have  A company can have multiple company secretaries as per its requirements and the size of the organization. The appointment of company secretaries is based on the company’s needs and compliance obligations. Here are some key points regarding the number of company secretaries a company can have: 1.Minimum… Read More »

What is company secretarial practice?

Company Secretarial Practice   Company secretarial practice refers to the profession and field of work that involves providing support and expertise in matters related to corporate governance, legal compliance, and secretarial functions within a company. It encompasses a wide range of responsibilities and activities performed by company secretaries to ensure the smooth functioning of the… Read More »

Company secretarial audit?

  Company Secretarial Compliance Company secretarial compliance audit refers to an independent examination and evaluation of a company’s secretarial and compliance practices by a qualified professional, typically a practicing company secretary. The objective of a secretarial audit is to assess the company’s adherence to legal and regulatory requirements, corporate governance norms, and prescribed secretarial standards.… Read More »

What is the difference between tax avoidance vs tax evasion?

Tax Avoidance vs Tax Evasion Tax avoidance vs Tax evasion: Tax avoidance is a legal means of reducing one’s tax liability by using lawful methods to take advantage of available tax incentives or deductions. Tax evasion, on the other hand, is an illegal act of intentionally not reporting or under-reporting income, falsely claiming tax deductions,… Read More »