Tag Archives: #EntrepreneurialVenture

Partners remuneration: Can LLP partner take salary ?

  Partners remuneration   Yes, partners of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) can receive a salary or remuneration from the LLP, subject to the terms and conditions specified in the LLP agreement. The LLP Act, 2008 does not prohibit partners from receiving a salary. Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) have become increasingly popular as a business… Read More »

LLP formation purpose: Why LLP is formed ?

LLP formation purpose   Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) are formed to combine the advantages of a partnership and limited liability protection for its partners. Here are some common reasons why businesses choose to form LLPs: 1.Limited Liability Protection: One of the primary reasons for forming an LLP is to provide limited liability protection to its… Read More »

Mudra loan project report?

  Entrepreneurship funding   Entrepreneurship funding, “The format of a MUDRA (Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency) loan project report may vary depending on the requirements of the lending institution. However, here is a general outline that can serve as a reference for preparing a MUDRA loan project report: 1.Introduction Executive Summary: Provide a concise… Read More »

Project proposal for mudra loan

Project Proposal for Mudra Loan   A project proposal for a MUDRA (Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency) loan should provide a comprehensive overview of your business venture and demonstrate its viability. Here is an outline of the key components to include in your project proposal: 1. Introduction: Provide a brief introduction to your business… Read More »

Can you convert partnership to corporation?

Convert Partnership to Corporation   Yes, it is possible to convert a partnership into a corporation. The process of converting a partnership to a corporation typically involves the following steps: 1. Research and Consultation: Understand the legal requirements, regulations, and tax implications associated with converting a partnership to a corporation in your jurisdiction. It is… Read More »

Q6.36 Necessity of registering a partnership: Does partnership need to be registered ?

Necessity of registering a partnership Website link Necessity of registering a partnership The requirement for registering a partnership can vary depending on the jurisdiction in which the partnership operates. In some countries, registration of a partnership is not mandatory, and partners can enter into a partnership agreement and conduct business without formal registration. However, in… Read More »

Mudra loan project report sample?

Mudra loan project   Mudra loan project, A typical sample project report for a Mudra loan includes vital information about a small business seeking financial assistance. While the specific details may vary depending on the requirements of the lending institution. Here are some key components commonly found in a mudra loan project report: 1.Executive Summary:… Read More »

Where to register a partnership form of business?

  Where to register a partnership form of business Where to register a partnership form of business Partnership registration locations, The registration process for partnerships varies depending on the jurisdiction. In many cases, partnerships are registered at the local or regional level rather than with a central government agency. Here are some common places to register… Read More »

Partnership firm registration act ?

Partnership Firm Registration Act Introduction The concept of partnership is an integral part of business law, providing a flexible and collaborative way for individuals to conduct business together. In many jurisdictions, the formal registration of a partnership firm is governed by specific legislative acts designed to provide a framework for its operation and legal recognition.… Read More »