Tag Archives: #EmployeeRetentionStrategies

Employee Retention Bonus

Employee Retention Bonus An employee retention bonus is a financial incentive offered to current employees to encourage them to stay with the company for a specified period of time. These bonuses can take various forms, such as cash bonuses, stock options, or additional benefits. The goal is to reward employees for their loyalty and commitment… Read More »

Turnover versus attrition?

Turnover versus attrition Turnover and attrition are two distinct terms used in the field of human resources and organizational management, although they are related to each other. Here’s a comparison between turnover and attrition: Definition: 1.Turnover: Turnover refers to the voluntary or involuntary departure of employees from an organization, resulting in a vacancy that needs… Read More »

Turnover V/s Retention

Turnover V/s Retention   Turnover V/s Retention, Turnover and retention are two crucial concepts in human resources management that center around the movement of employees within an organization. Here’s a comparison between Turnover vs. retention: 1.Definition: Turnover: Turnover refers to the rate or number of employees who leave an organization within a specified period, typically… Read More »

Why Turnover rate is important ?

Turnover Rate The turnover rate, also known as the employee attrition rate, is an important metric for organizations to monitor and analyze. Here are some reasons why the turnover rate is considered important: 1.Cost of Turnover: High turnover can be costly for businesses. When employees leave, there are expenses associated with recruiting, onboarding, and training… Read More »