Tag Archives: #EmergencyFunds

Bank Overdraft & Cash Credit

Bank Overdraft & Cash Credit Bank overdraft and cash credit facilities are both forms of short-term borrowing provided by financial institutions to individuals and businesses. Here’s a detailed explanation of each: 1. Bank Overdraft: i. An overdraft is a financial arrangement where a bank allows an account holder to withdraw funds from their account even… Read More »

Gold Loan

Gold Loan A gold loan is a type of secure loan where gold jewelry or ornaments are pledged as collateral to obtain funds from a lender. Brief overview of Gold Loans (GL): 1. Collateral: Gold jewelry or ornaments are use as collateral for obtaining a GL. The lender evaluates both the quality and quantity of… Read More »

Can liquid net worth be higher than net worth?

Can Liquid Net Worth be Higher Than Net Worth Can liquid net worth be higher than net worth yes, This represents the overall financial value of an individual or entity and is calculated by subtracting total liabilities from total assets. It is a measure of wealth and provides an indication of the individual’s or entity’s financial… Read More »