Tag Archives: #EducationalInstitutions

What are the key financial transactions that a School, Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools should record in Bookkeeping?

Financial Transactions Record in Bookkeeping   Key Financial Transactions Record in Bookkeeping for Educational Institutions in India: 1. Tuition Fees Collection: Educational institutions should record all tuition fees collected from students. This includes regular fees, special course fees and any other charges associated with the educational program. 2. Salaries and Benefits: Recording the salaries and… Read More »

Is drafting balance sheet mandatory for School, Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools?

Balance Sheet Mandatory for Educational Institutions Yes, drafting a balance sheet is mandatory for educational institutions like schools, colleges, universities, and professional schools in India. A balance sheet is a crucial financial statement that provides a snapshot of an organization’s financial position at a specific point in time. It presents a summary of an entity’s… Read More »

What is the threshold limit of balance sheet for School, Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools?

Threshold Limit of Balance Sheet for School   The threshold limit for balance sheet for School and reporting varies for different types of educational institutions in India. Educational institutions are generally exempted from filing income tax returns if their total income falls below a certain threshold. Please note that tax laws and regulations may have… Read More »

What are the key financial statements audited in a School, Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools?

Statutory Audit for Educational   In Statutory Audit for Educational Institute such as schools, colleges, universities, and professional schools in India, several key financial statements are audited to ensure transparency and financial accountability. 1. Income and Expenditure Statement: This statement provides a comprehensive overview of the institution’s revenue sources and how funds can utiliz. It… Read More »

What is the threshold limit and due date of tax audit report for School, Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools?

Audit for EducationalInstitutions   Tax Audit for EducationalInstitutions threshold limit and due date  for educational institutions like schools, colleges, universities and professional schools in India are as follows: Threshold Limit: Education institutions required to get a tax audit done if their total gross receipts or turnover exceed ₹1 crore in a financial year. If the… Read More »