Tag Archives: #EditorialBusiness

Is statutory audit required for the editors?

Statutory Audit Required for Editors   No, statutory audit doesn’t requir for editors in India. Statutory audit required for Editors and certain types of businesses, such as companies and trusts. However, editors are typically self-employed individuals and do not need to have their accounts audited by a statutory auditor. However, there are some cases where… Read More »

How to ensure that Statutory audit is aplicable for the editors or not?

Statutory Audit is Applicable for Editors   To determine whether a statutory audit is applicable for editors, several factors need to be considered. A statutory audit is typically required for businesses that meet certain financial thresholds or legal requirements. Here’s how to assess whether an editor needs a statutory audit: 1. Annual Revenue: Editors should… Read More »

How to draft a balance sheet for the editors?

Draft a Balance Sheet for Editors   Here are some following steps which explain how to draft a balance sheet for editors: 1. Gather your financial records: This includes your income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements for the past year. 2. Categorize your assets and liabilities: Assets are resources owned by the business,… Read More »