Tag Archives: #DepreciationExpense

Which assets can be depreciated?

Depreciation on Assets   Depreciation on Assets in general, tangible assets can be depreciated. Tangible assets are physical assets that have a determinable useful life, meaning they are expected to provide economic benefits over a specific period. Common examples of tangible assets that can be depreciated include: 1.Buildings: This includes commercial buildings, residential properties, warehouses,… Read More »

Asset depreciation: Can Assets be Depreciated ?

Asset depreciation: Yes, assets can be depreciated. Depreciation serves as an accounting technique employed to distribute the cost of an asset throughout its useful lifespan. It signifies the gradual decline in the worth of an asset caused by factors such as wear and tear, obsolescence, or other relevant elements.  Depreciation typically apply on tangible assets… Read More »

Where do office expenses go in final accounts?

Office expenses Office expenses are typically classified as operating expenses and are included in the income statement of a company’s final accounts. Operating expenses are the day-to-day expenses incurred in the normal course of business operations, such as rent, utilities, office supplies, and salaries. These expenses subtract from the company’s revenue to arrive at its… Read More »