Tag Archives: #DebtFinancing

How LLP can raise funds?

How LLP can raise funds         Points under how LLP can raise funds:  Capital Contributions: LLP partners can contribute capital to the LLP in the form of cash, assets, or property. These contributions increase the LLP’s capital and provide funds for the business. How LLP can raise funds.  Loans and Credit Facilities:… Read More »

Tax planning with reference to capital structure decision?

Tax efficiency Tax efficiency Taxation Optimization in Capital Structure Decisions”: Tax planning, with reference to capital structure decisions, involves considering the tax implications of different financing options and structuring the capital of a company in a tax-efficient manner. Here’s a fresh perspective on tax planning with respect to capital structure decisions: Tax planning in capital… Read More »

How project finance works?

Project finance definition   Project finance is a method of financing large-scale projects, typically in infrastructure, energy, or industrial sectors, where the project itself serves as the primary source of repayment. Here’s an overview of how project finance works: Project Identification: The first step is to identify a viable Project finance definition with potential economic… Read More »

Can opc issue debentures

Debentures   No, an OPC (One Person Company) not permitted to issue debentures. According to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 in India, an OPC restricted from issuing any kind of securities including it. The concept of an OPC is design to facilitate single-person entrepreneurship and to provide limited liability protection to the sole… Read More »

What is capital structure and its importance?

Capital structure Capital structure refers to the composition of a company’s sources of funds, including debt, equity, and other forms of financing. It represents the way a company finances its operations, growth, and investments. The way a company finances its operations, known as its capital, is crucial as it affects the company’s financial performance, level… Read More »