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Book keeping and Accountancy difference

Bookkeeping v/s Accountancy Bookkeeping v/s Accountancy, Bookkeeping can be accomplished without relying on QuickBooks or any other accounting software, while still maintaining its distinctiveness: 1. Scope: Bookkeeping primarily focuses on recording and organizing financial transactions, such as recording sales, purchases, payments, and receipts. It involves maintaining accurate and detailed records of these transactions using journals, ledgers,… Read More »

Q10.20 Comparing bookkeeping and accounting: Is bookkeeping and accounting the same thing ?

Comparing bookkeeping and accounting Website link   Comparing bookkeeping and accounting No, bookkeeping and accounting are distinct entities, albeit closely intertwined. Bookkeeping is a subset of accounting and refers to the systematic process of recording, organizing, and maintaining financial transactions of a business. It involves tasks such as recording transactions in journals, posting entries to… Read More »

Q10.19 Bookkeeping and accounting relationship: Is book keeping accounting ?

Bookkeeping and accounting relationship Website link Bookkeeping and accounting relationship Bookkeeping, which is an integral component of accounting, is regarded as an essential element within the broader accounting framework. While bookkeeping and accounting are related, they serve different functions within the financial management of a business. Bookkeeping involves the systematic recording, organizing, and summarizing of… Read More »