Tag Archives: #CSRoles

What is company secretarial practice?

Company Secretarial Practice   Company secretarial practice refers to the profession and field of work that involves providing support and expertise in matters related to corporate governance, legal compliance, and secretarial functions within a company. It encompasses a wide range of responsibilities and activities performed by company secretaries to ensure the smooth functioning of the… Read More »

Secretarial Audit Vs. Compliance: Difference between secretarial audit report and secretarial compliance report ?

Secretarial Audit Vs. Compliance  The difference between a secretarial audit report and a secretarial compliance report lies in their scope and purpose. Here’s a breakdown of each: Secretarial Audit Report: Scope: A secretarial audit report provides an independent evaluation of a company’s secretarial and compliance practices. It covers a comprehensive examination of statutory registers, filings,… Read More »

Company secretarial standards?

Company Secretarial Standards   Company Secretarial Standards refer to a set of guidelines and practices that govern the conduct and responsibilities of company secretaries. These standards aim to ensure uniformity, professionalism, and best practices in the field of company secretarial work. In India, the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has established secretarial standards… Read More »

Q17.3 Corporate Secretary: Can company secretary sign board resolution ?

Corporate Secretary Website Link Corporate Secretary:”Yes, a company secretary can sign board resolutions. In fact, the Corporate Secretary often plays a crucial role in preparing and signing board resolutions on behalf of the company. The board resolution is an official document that documents the decisions and activities undertaken by a company’s board of directors in… Read More »