Tag Archives: #CreditManagement

Bank Overdraft & Cash Credit

Bank Overdraft & Cash Credit Bank overdraft and cash credit facilities are both forms of short-term borrowing provided by financial institutions to individuals and businesses. Here’s a detailed explanation of each: 1. Bank Overdraft: i. An overdraft is a financial arrangement where a bank allows an account holder to withdraw funds from their account even… Read More »

CIBIL Scores

    CIBIL Scores Meaning of CIBIL Scores:- A Credit Information Bureau / CIBIL score is a numerical representation of an individual’s creditworthiness. It is based on their credit history and credit behavior. The score is generated by Credit Information Companies (CICs) or Credit Bureaus, which collect and maintain credit information of individuals and companies.… Read More »

Can LLP take loan from bank?

    Can LLP take loan from bank  Certainly, a Limited Liability Partnership generally has the ability to obtain a loan from a bank or other financial institution, as long as it meets the lender’s approval criteria and demonstrates adequate creditworthiness. Many banks offer specialized loan products specifically designed for businesses, including LLPs.  It fulfill… Read More »

What is book keeping accounting?

Book Keeping   Book keeping is a subset of accounting and refers to the process of recording and organizing financial transactions of a business. It involves systematically recording the financial activities such as sales, purchases, receipts, and payments in appropriate books or electronic records. Accounting, on the other hand, encompasses a broader set of activities… Read More »

Mudra loan project report?

  Entrepreneurship funding   Entrepreneurship funding, “The format of a MUDRA (Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency) loan project report may vary depending on the requirements of the lending institution. However, here is a general outline that can serve as a reference for preparing a MUDRA loan project report: 1.Introduction Executive Summary: Provide a concise… Read More »

Project proposal for mudra loan

Project Proposal for Mudra Loan   A project proposal for a MUDRA (Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency) loan should provide a comprehensive overview of your business venture and demonstrate its viability. Here is an outline of the key components to include in your project proposal: 1. Introduction: Provide a brief introduction to your business… Read More »

Mudra loan project report sample?

Mudra loan project   Mudra loan project, A typical sample project report for a Mudra loan includes vital information about a small business seeking financial assistance. While the specific details may vary depending on the requirements of the lending institution. Here are some key components commonly found in a mudra loan project report: 1.Executive Summary:… Read More »