Tag Archives: #CorporateTransparency

Turnover Certificate for Tender?

TurnoverCertificate For Tender   A turnovercertificate for a tender is a document that provides information about the financial turnover or revenue generated by a company or organization. It is typically required as part of the tendering process to assess the financial capacity and capability of the company to undertake the project or contract. The format… Read More »

What is annual turnover certificate?

Annual Turnover Certificate   An annual turnover certificate is a document that provides information about the financial turnover of a business or organization over a specific fiscal year. It verifies the total revenue generated by the company during that period and is often required for various purposes, such as regulatory compliance, loan applications, government contracts,… Read More »

Why annual report is important?

Annual report is important The annual report serves as a crucial document that offers a comprehensive synopsis of a company’s performance, financial well-being, and undertakings throughout a fiscal year. Here are several reasons why the annual report is important: 1.Transparency and Accountability: The annual report promotes transparency by providing shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders with… Read More »

TDS compliance for private limited company?

TDS compliance for Pvt LTD Company   TDS Compliance for a Pvt LTD company involves fulfilling various requirements to deduct and remit TDS on specified transactions. Here are the key aspects of TDS compliance for a private limited company: Obtain TAN (Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number): Ensure that the private limited company has obtained… Read More »

What is an importance of audit report?

Importance of audit report An audit report is important because it provides an independent and objective evaluation of a company’s financial statements and internal controls. Importance of audit report can be determined to know how It helps to assure the reliability and accuracy of financial information provided by a company to stakeholders such as investors,… Read More »