Tag Archives: #CorporateOwnershipStructure

Can LLP be a subsidiary of a company ?

Can LLP be a subsidiary of a company Can LLP be a subsidiary of a company: In the majority of legal jurisdictions, it is not permissible for a Limited Liability Partnership to function as a subsidiary of a company. An LLP is typically a distinct legal entity and a separate business structure from a company.… Read More »

Business Partnership V/s Corporation

Business Partnership V/s Corporation   A Business Partnership V/s Corporation are two different legal structures for businesses, each with its own characteristics and implications. Here are some key differences between a business partnership and a corporation:   Ownership and Structure: 1. Partnership: A partnership is formed when two or more individuals or entities come together… Read More »

Can a private limited company be a proprietor of a firm?

Can a Private Limited Company Be a Proprietor of a Firm?   In the world of business, understanding the structure and legalities of different entities is crucial. One common question that arises is, “Can a Private Limited Company be a proprietor of a firm?” To answer this, we first need to clarify the distinctions between… Read More »

When does a company become private limited?

Private limited company formation   Private limited company formation,A company becomes a private limited company upon fulfilling certain legal requirements and obtaining the necessary approvals from the regulatory authorities. The key steps for a company to become a private limited company are as follows: Incorporation: The company must go through the process of incorporation, which… Read More »

Can an OPC be a holding company?

What is an OPC? A One Person Company (OPC) is a relatively new business structure introduced in many countries, including India, through the Companies Act, 2013. It allows a single individual to own and operate a company with the benefits of limited liability. An OPC enjoys several features similar to a private limited company but… Read More »

Can a private limited company be a partnership?

Can a Private Limited Company be a Partnership When considering business structures, it’s important to understand the differences between a Private Limited Company and a partnership. These two forms of business organization are fundamentally different, serving distinct purposes and providing various legal and financial implications.   Understanding the Structures A Private Limited Company is a… Read More »

What is one person company?

One Person Company One Person Company (OPC) is a type of company that can be formed with only one person as its member or shareholder. It introduce in the Companies Act, 2013 to encourage small business owners and entrepreneurs to start their own companies with limited liability protection. A OPC has a separate legal identity… Read More »