Tag Archives: #ComplianceAudit

No statutory dues certificate by Chartered Accountant?

  No statutory dues certificate Understanding the Significance A ‘No Statutory Dues Certificate’ issued by a Chartered Accountant serves as a declaration that the company has met all its statutory obligations concerning taxes, duties, and other dues within the stipulated timelines. This certificate is not merely a formality but a rigorous assessment of financial records… Read More »

CA turnover certificate format?

CA Turnover Certificate There is no standard or universally recognized “CA turnover certificate format”.  Because,  it may vary depending on the specific requirements or context in which it is being used. However, if you need a turnover certificate from a Chartered Accountant (CA), you can reach out to a CA or an accounting professional who… Read More »

What is an importance of audit report?

Importance of audit report An audit report is important because it provides an independent and objective evaluation of a company’s financial statements and internal controls. Importance of audit report can be determined to know how It helps to assure the reliability and accuracy of financial information provided by a company to stakeholders such as investors,… Read More »

What is internal audit?

Definition of Internal audit: This is a process of evaluating and reviewing an organization’s operations. It is including its internal controls, risk management, financial and accounting systems, and compliance with laws and regulations. The primary objective of internal audit is to provide independent and objective assurance to the organization’s management and stakeholders.  That the organization’s… Read More »

What is the requirements of GST Compliance?

  GST Compliance Requirements GST compliance requirements, To ensure GST compliance, businesses need to fulfil certain requirements and obligations. Here are some key requirements for Gst compliance requirements : GST Registration: Businesses whose turnover exceeds the specified threshold (varies by country) are required to register for GST. The registration process involves providing necessary information to… Read More »

Gst compliance service?

GST Compliance Services GST compliance services refer to the proficient assistance provided by tax consultants, accountants, or specialized firms, aimed at aiding businesses in fulfilling their GST compliance obligations. These services are design to ensure that companies effectively meet all the necessary requirements associated with GST compliance services. These services are designed to help businesses… Read More »

Audit assurance types?

Types of Audit Assurance Audit Assurance, There are several types of audit assurance engagements, each providing a different level of assurance to stakeholders. The main types of audit assurance engagements include: Financial Statement Audit: This is the most common type of assurance engagement. It involves an independent auditor examining an organization’s financial statements and providing… Read More »

When secretarial audit is applicable?

Secretarial Audit is Applicable   Secretarial Audit is Applicable, It’s  also known as compliance audit, is a process of examining and assessing the compliance of a company’s statutory and regulatory obligations. The applicability of secretarial audit depends on the legal and regulatory requirements of the jurisdiction in which the company operates. Here are some common… Read More »