Tag Archives: #CompanySecretary

Can a company secretary do audit?

Company secretary audit   Company secretary audit, on the other hand, is a specialized field that involves the examination and verification of financial records, statements, and processes of an organization. Audits are typically conduct by qualified professionals known as auditors, who may be external to the organization or employee within an audit firm. While a… Read More »

Which companies require company secretary?

Firms Requiring Company Secretary   Firms requiring company secretary, The requirement for a company secretary varies depending on the jurisdiction and the legal framework governing companies. Here are some common scenarios where a Firms requiring company secretary is typically require: 1.Public Companies: In many jurisdictions, public companies are require by law to appoint a company… Read More »

When company secretary is required to be appointed?

Company Secretary Required Appointment   Company Secretary Required Appointment,The obligation to appoint a company secretary differs based on the jurisdiction and the legal framework under which the company operates. Here are some common scenarios when a company secretary may be required to be appointed: 1.Legal Requirement: In many jurisdictions, the law mandates the appointment of… Read More »

Company secretary compliance?

Company Secretary Compliance   Company secretary compliance is refers to the adherence of a company secretary to the relevant laws, regulations, and professional standards governing their role and responsibilities. As a key functionary in an organization, a company secretary is entrusted with various compliance-related duties. Here are some aspects of company secretary compliance: 1.Legal and Regulatory… Read More »

Q17.3 Corporate Secretary: Can company secretary sign board resolution ?

Corporate Secretary Website Link Corporate Secretary:”Yes, a company secretary can sign board resolutions. In fact, the Corporate Secretary often plays a crucial role in preparing and signing board resolutions on behalf of the company. The board resolution is an official document that documents the decisions and activities undertaken by a company’s board of directors in… Read More »