Tag Archives: #CashFlowForecast

Q20.16 What are the objectives of preparing financial statements ?

Preparing financial statements Website Link: Preparing financial statements: The objectives of preparing financial statements are as follows: 1.Providing Information: Financial statements aim to provide relevant and reliable information about the financial performance, position, and cash flows of an entity. They offer insights into the organization’s financial activities, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions. 2.Assessing Performance:… Read More »

How to prepare provisional financial statements?

Provisional Financial Statements   Preparing provisional financial statements entails the development of interim financial statements for a designated timeframe prior to the availability of the final statements. Here are the steps to prepare Provisionals financial statements: 1. Gather Available Data: Collect all available financial data for the period you want to prepare the pro visional… Read More »

What is book keeping accounting?

Book Keeping   Book keeping is a subset of accounting and refers to the process of recording and organizing financial transactions of a business. It involves systematically recording the financial activities such as sales, purchases, receipts, and payments in appropriate books or electronic records. Accounting, on the other hand, encompasses a broader set of activities… Read More »