Tag Archives: #BusinessTransactions

Can LLP give Loan to Company?

Can LLP give Loan to Company     LLP loan to company: Certainly, an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) is fully capable of granting loans to companies. However, it is of utmost importance to carefully consider and comply with specific considerations and legal requirements associated with such actions. pertaining to such transactions. However, the specific regulations… Read More »

Book keeping VS Accountancy?

      User Intent Many business owners, students, and finance professionals often confuse bookkeeping and accountancy. They search for a detailed comparison to understand their differences, applications, benefits, and limitations. This article serves as a complete guide for those looking to differentiate and apply these financial concepts effectively. Book keeping VS Accountancy? Introduction In… Read More »

Bookkeeping accountant job description?

   Bookkeeping accountant job description A bookkeeping accountant, alternatively referred to as a bookkeeper or accounting clerk, assumes a vital position in upholding accurate financial records and verifying the precision of monetary transactions within an organization. Here is a general job description for a bookkeeping accountant: Financial Record Keeping: Maintain accurate and up-to-date financial records… Read More »

How to download turnover certificate from ireps?

Download Turnover Certificate from IREPS   To Download Turnover Certificate from IREPS (Indian Railways e-Procurement System), you can follow these steps: 1. Visit the IREPS Website: Go to the official iREPS website using your web browser. The iREPS website URL is https://www.ireps.gov.in/. 2. Login to Your Account: Log in to your iREPS account using your… Read More »

What is 15CB?

    User Intent Users searching for Form 15CB are likely looking for an in-depth understanding of its purpose, application, and benefits. They might be tax payers, accountants, or business owners dealing with foreign remittances who need to know when and how to use this form. This article provides a step-by-step explanation to help them… Read More »

Differences between 15CA and 15CB?

  User Intent Users searching for differences between Form 15CA and 15CB are likely individuals or businesses dealing with international transactions, remittances, or tax compliance in India. They want clarity on when to use each form, their applications, benefits, and limitations. Introduction When making payments to a non-resident outside India, compliance with income tax regulations… Read More »

What is book keeping accounting?

Book Keeping   Book keeping is a subset of accounting and refers to the process of recording and organizing financial transactions of a business. It involves systematically recording the financial activities such as sales, purchases, receipts, and payments in appropriate books or electronic records. Accounting, on the other hand, encompasses a broader set of activities… Read More »

Why 15CA/CB is required?

Form 15CA CB purpose Form 15CA CB purpose, The Indian government mandates the use of 15CA and 15CB forms for specific financial transactions involving non-residents. Here’s a brief explanation of each form: 1.Form 15CA: This form is use for remittances (money transfers) that are subject to tax deduction at source (TDS) under the Indian Income… Read More »