Tag Archives: #BusinessStructureIndia

Can an OPC have two directors?

Can an OPC have two directors No, an OPC (One Person Company) can have only one director. As per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 in India, an OPC can have only one director who is also the sole shareholder of the company. The concept of an OPC is designed to enable single-person entrepreneurship,… Read More »

Can huf be partner in partnership firm?

HUF be Partner in Partnership Firm   A Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) is a unique entity under Indian law, often used for managing family-owned businesses and assets. Given its distinctive nature, a common question arises: Can a HUF be a partner in a partnership firm?   Understanding HUF: A HUF is a family unit made… Read More »

What is the difference between proprietorship and Private Limited?

Proprietorship and Private Limited Here are some of the significant contrasts: Ownership: A proprietorship is solely owned and controlled by an individual, whereas a Private Limited Company is owned by shareholders, with the company’s management entrusted to the Board of Directors. Liability: In a proprietorship, the owner bears unlimited liability, implying personal responsibility for all… Read More »