Tag Archives: #BusinessGovernance

Are LLPs governed by companies act?

LLPs governed by companies act   In India, LLPs are governed by the companies Act, 2008, which is also a separate law. While there may be some similarities between the governance of companies and LLPs, such as certain reporting and compliance requirements, the specific legal framework and regulations for LLPs are usually outlined in their… Read More »

LLP what is a designated member ?

Designated member LLP       Designated member LLP: Within a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), a designated member stands as a partner who assumes additional responsibilities and obligations, as mandated by the LLP’s legal framework. The concept of designated members is specific to LLPs and is different from regular members or partners. Here are some… Read More »

LLP accounts signatory: Who signs LLP accounts ?

LLP Accounts Signatory   LLP Accounts Signatory: In the framework of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), the designated partners assume the crucial responsibility of signing and certifying the accounts of the LLP. This underscores their essential involvement in financial affairs, underscoring the significance they hold in maintaining financial transparency and accountability. Here’s an explanation of… Read More »

Who prepares the annual report of a company?

Annual Report for Company   The Annual Report for Company is typically prepared by the management and financial team of the compan. In collaboration with the company’s auditors and other relevant stakeholders. Here are the key parties involved in preparing the report: 1.Management: The management team, including the CEO, CFO and other executives, plays a… Read More »

When Turnover Certificate is Required?

Requirements of Turnover Certificate   Requirements of Turnover Certificate, A turnover certificate may be required in various situations, depending on the specific requirements and regulations of the requesting party. Here are some common instances when a turnover certificate may be required: 1.Tendering or Bidding for Contracts: When participating in the procurement process for government or private… Read More »

Why company secretary is important?

Company Administration   Company Administration, A company secretary plays a vital role in ensuring the efficient functioning, compliance, and good governance of a company. Here are some reasons why a company secretary is important: 1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: One of the primary responsibilities of a is to ensure that the company complies with… Read More »

Compliance with secretarial standards?

  Compliance with Secretarial    Compliance with secretarial standards refers to adhering to the prescribed guidelines and requirements set forth by relevant regulatory bodies or professional organizations that govern the practice of company secretaries. These standards aim to ensure transparency, accountability, and good governance in the secretarial functions and practices of a company. Here are… Read More »