Tag Archives: #BusinessFinance

Preparation of projected financial statements?

Preparation of Projected Financial Statement   Preparation of projected financial statement entails making forecasts and estimations regarding future financial performance, drawing upon historical data, market trends, and business assumptions. This process generally involves the following sequential steps: 1. Gather Historical Financial Data: Start by gathering and analyzing the historical financial statements of the business, including… Read More »

Q20.3 Preparation of projected income statement ?

Preparation of projected income statement Preparation of projected income statement Website link Preparation of projected income statement: The preparation of a projected income statement, it is necessary to predict the anticipated revenues, expenses, and net income for a specific time period in the future. Here are the steps to Preparation of projected income statement:: 1.Sales… Read More »

Asset depreciation: Can Assets be Depreciated ?

Asset depreciation: Yes, assets can be depreciated. Depreciation serves as an accounting technique employed to distribute the cost of an asset throughout its useful lifespan. It signifies the gradual decline in the worth of an asset caused by factors such as wear and tear, obsolescence, or other relevant elements.  Depreciation typically apply on tangible assets… Read More »

Q10.40 Accounting and bookkeeping course ?

Accounting and bookkeeping course Website link Accounting and bookkeeping course There are various accounting and bookkeeping courses available for individuals interested in pursuing a career in this field. These courses can provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform accounting and bookkeeping tasks effectively. Here are some common types of courses you can… Read More »

Q10.26 Interchange of bookkeeping and accountancy: The term book keeping and Accountancy can be used interchangeably ?

 Interchange of bookkeeping & accountancy Interchange of bookkeeping and accountancy Website link Interchange of bookkeeping and accountancy: While bookkeeping and accountancy are related fields within the realm of financial management, they are not interchangeable terms. They refer to distinct activities and have different scopes of work. Bookkeeping primarily involves the systematic recording, organizing, and maintaining… Read More »

How to prepare provisional financial statements?

Provisional Financial Statements   Preparing provisional financial statements entails the development of interim financial statements for a designated timeframe prior to the availability of the final statements. Here are the steps to prepare Provisionals financial statements: 1. Gather Available Data: Collect all available financial data for the period you want to prepare the pro visional… Read More »

Project finance reports?

Project finance analysis   Project finance analysis are complete documents that provide an overview of the financial aspects of a specific project. These reports are prepared to assess the financial feasibility, viability, and potential risks associated with the project. Here are some key components typically included in project finance reports: Executive Summary: A brief summary… Read More »

Q10.16 Bookkeeping vs accounts payable: What is the difference between bookkeeping and accounts payable ?

Bookkeeping vs accounts payable Website link Bookkeeping vs accounts payable: Bookkeeping vs accounts payable are interconnected yet separate components of financial management within a company. Here are the differences between bookkeeping and accounts payable: Bookkeeping: Bookkeeping is the process of recording and organizing financial transactions in an organized and systematic manner. It involves tasks such… Read More »

What is 15CB?

Form 15CB Form 15CB is a certificate issued by a Chartered Accountant (CA) in India. It is require for certain international transactions involving the transfer of money to non-resident individuals or entities. Here’s an explanation of Form 15CB meaning: 1.Purpose: Form 15CB is use to certify that the remittance being made to a non-resident or… Read More »

How does bookkeeping work?

Bookkeeping process explained    It involves the bookkeeping process explained systematic recording, organizing, and tracking of financial transactions and activities of a business. It provides the foundation for accurate financial reporting and analysis. Here’s an overview of how bookkeeping works: Recording Transactions: Bookkeeping starts with recording all financial transactions of the business. This includes both… Read More »