Tag Archives: #BalanceSheetRequirement

Balance Sheet for Real Estate Agents

Balance Sheet for Real Estate Agents   The necessity of drafting a balance sheet for real estate agents in India isn’t a straightforward matter with a simple “yes” or “no” answer. It hinges on several factors, including the real estate agency’s size, structure, the nature of its property transactions, and the legal stipulations of the… Read More »

Is drafting balance sheet mandatory for textile and clothing traders and stores?

Balance Sheet Requirement   Yes, creating a balance sheet requirement is obligatory for textile and apparel traders and establishments in India. Under the Companies Act of 2013, which governs Indian businesses, all companies are require to formulate a balance sheet as an integral part of their annual financial records. This mandate encompasses both publicly traded… Read More »

Balance Sheet for a Furniture and Appliances: Is drafting balance sheet mandatory for Furniture & Appliances Trader & Stores?

Balance Sheet for a Furniture and Appliances The necessity of creating a balance sheet for a furniture and appliances trading establishment hinges upon the legal obligations stipulated by the country or state of operation. In general, enterprises obligated to submit yearly financial reports to governmental bodies are also required to include a balance sheet. This… Read More »