Tag Archives: #AuditTrailBlazers

Tax Audit Report for Textile and Clothes: What are the key components of a Tax Audit Report for such services?

Tax Audit Report for Textile and Clothes   Here are the key components of a Tax Audit Report for Textile and Clothes services: 1. Section A: Essential Details Taxpayer’s name, address, and Permanent Account Number (PAN) Auditor’s name (individual or firm) Relevant law governing the audit (e.g., Companies Act) Date of the audit report Period… Read More »

Do accountants do bookkeeping?

Do accountants do bookkeeping Yes, accountants can perform bookkeeping tasks as part of their responsibilities. While bookkeeping and accounting are distinct roles, there can be overlap between the two. Accountants have the knowledge and skills to handle bookkeeping tasks, but their expertise extends beyond basic record-keeping. To visit https://www.incometax.gov.in In some cases, accountant may choose… Read More »