Tag Archives: #AuditPreparation

How to prepare provisional financial statements?

Provisional Financial Statements   Preparing provisional financial statements entails the development of interim financial statements for a designated timeframe prior to the availability of the final statements. Here are the steps to prepare Provisionals financial statements: 1. Gather Available Data: Collect all available financial data for the period you want to prepare the pro visional… Read More »

What is book keeping accounting?

Book Keeping   Book keeping is a subset of accounting and refers to the process of recording and organizing financial transactions of a business. It involves systematically recording the financial activities such as sales, purchases, receipts, and payments in appropriate books or electronic records. Accounting, on the other hand, encompasses a broader set of activities… Read More »

When do you need a bookkeeper?

  Signs you need a bookkeeper Signs you need a bookkeeper,A bookkeeper is typically need in the following situations: Small business owners: Small business owners often require the services of a bookkeeper to manage their day-to-day financial transactions, including recording income and expenses, reconciling bank statements, and maintaining accurate financial records. Growing businesses: As a… Read More »

What is internal audit?

Definition of Internal audit: This is a process of evaluating and reviewing an organization’s operations. It is including its internal controls, risk management, financial and accounting systems, and compliance with laws and regulations. The primary objective of internal audit is to provide independent and objective assurance to the organization’s management and stakeholders.  That the organization’s… Read More »

What does an internal auditor do?

Internal auditor An internal auditor is responsible for evaluating a company’s internal controls, processes, and financial reporting to ensure that they are accurate, efficient, and compliant with relevant laws and regulations. They examine and analyze financial and operational data, identify risks, and recommend improvements to processes, controls, and policies. They also review company practices to… Read More »

What is the difference between statutory and non-statutory audit?

Statutory and non-Statutory Audit Statutory audit and non-statutory audit are two types of audits that serve different purposes. A statutory audits is a legally required audit that is performed to ensure that a company’s financial statements are accurate and comply with applicable accounting standards and laws. This type of audit is typically conduct by an… Read More »

What is the need for preparing for a trial balance?

Need for preparing for a Trial Balance The purpose of preparing a trial balance is to ensure the accuracy of the accounting records by checking whether the total debits equal the total credits. A trial balance is a list of all the accounts in the general ledger along with their debit or credit balances. The… Read More »