Tag Archives: #Auditing

Q304 What are basic accounting terminologies?

Basic accounting terminologies Website link Basic accounting terminologies:  Here are some basic accounting terminologies: 1.Assets: Resources owned by a business that has monetary value and are expected to provide future benefits. 2.Liabilities: Obligations of a business to pay debts or other financial obligations. 3.Equity: Equity refers to the ownership interest in a company or property,… Read More »

What is an external audit?

 An External Audit An external audit, also referred to as an independent audit or statutory audit, involves an impartial auditor examining a company’s financial statements and accounting records. The main objective of this audit is to provide assurance to the stakeholders of the company, including shareholders, creditors, and investors. It verifies that the financial statements… Read More »

What is the difference between Statutory Audit and Cost Audit?

Statutory Audit Vs Cost Audit    Statutory Audit and Cost Audit are two distinct types of financial audits with different purposes and legal requirements. Statutories audit are a mandatory audit conducted in accordance with the law for all companies in India. Its objective is to verify that a company’s financial statements provide a true and… Read More »

What is the difference between a cost audit and an internal audit?

Difference between a cost audit and an internal audit Cost audit and internal audit are two different types of audits that serve different purposes. Cost audit is a type of audit that focuses on verifying the cost accounting records of a company to ensure compliance with cost accounting standards and other regulatory requirements. The main… Read More »

What are Bookkeeping and Accounting services for a businesses Financial Management?

Bookkeeping for Financial Management   Bookkeeping for Financial Management services that help businesses keep track of their financial transactions and ensure their financial records are accurate and up-to-date. Here is an overview of bookkeeping and accounting services for businesses: 1. Bookkeeping: Bookkeeping involves the day-to-day recording and organizing of financial transactions such as sales, purchases,… Read More »