Tag Archives: #AuditImpartiality

What is the difference between statutory and non-statutory audit?

Statutory and non-Statutory Audit Statutory audit and non-statutory audit are two types of audits that serve different purposes. A statutory audits is a legally required audit that is performed to ensure that a company’s financial statements are accurate and comply with applicable accounting standards and laws. This type of audit is typically conduct by an… Read More »

What are the features of auditing?

Auditing features Auditing features, The features of auditing encompass the following aspects: Independence: Auditing should maintain independence to guarantee an unbiased and impartial audit process, unaffected by external pressures or biases. Systematic Approach: Auditing should be conduct systematically and methodically, covering all relevant aspects of the audited entity to ensure comprehensive evaluation. Objectivity and Impartiality: Auditors… Read More »