Tag Archives: #AuditCriteria

Can you explain the criteria for selecting a contractual service provider for a tax audit?

Compliance Requirements Selecting a contractual service provider for a tax audit involves careful consideration of several criteria to ensure the audit process is efficient, accurate, and compliant. Here are the key criteria to keep in mind: 1.Expertise and Experience: Look for a contractual service provider with a proven track record in handling tax audits. Experience… Read More »

What is the objective of tax audit?

Tax Audit Tax Audit, The primary objective is to examine a taxpayer’s accounts and financial statements to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961, and to verify the accuracy and completeness of the tax returns. Conducted by a qualified chartered accountant, the tax audit aims to provide assurance to the tax… Read More »

What are the features of auditing?

Auditing features Auditing features, The features of auditing encompass the following aspects: Independence: Auditing should maintain independence to guarantee an unbiased and impartial audit process, unaffected by external pressures or biases. Systematic Approach: Auditing should be conduct systematically and methodically, covering all relevant aspects of the audited entity to ensure comprehensive evaluation. Objectivity and Impartiality: Auditors… Read More »