Tag Archives: #Audit

What are the key financial statements audited in a School, Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools?

Statutory Audit for Educational   In Statutory Audit for Educational Institute such as schools, colleges, universities, and professional schools in India, several key financial statements are audited to ensure transparency and financial accountability. 1. Income and Expenditure Statement: This statement provides a comprehensive overview of the institution’s revenue sources and how funds can utiliz. It… Read More »

Is the balance sheet audited, and if so, by which auditing firm?

Auditing Firm   Auditing Firm, Certain organizations mandated by regulations to undergo financial statement audits, whereas others choose to undergo such audits on a voluntary basis. If a company’s balance sheet audited, the auditor will be a certified public accountant (CPA) who is independent of the company. The auditor will review the company’s financial records… Read More »

LLP accounts signatory: Who signs LLP accounts ?

LLP Accounts Signatory   LLP Accounts Signatory: In the framework of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), the designated partners assume the crucial responsibility of signing and certifying the accounts of the LLP. This underscores their essential involvement in financial affairs, underscoring the significance they hold in maintaining financial transparency and accountability. Here’s an explanation of… Read More »

When financial statements are prepared?

Financial statements   Financial statements, these are typically prepared at regular intervals, usually at the end of an accounting period. The most common accounting periods are: 1. Monthly: Some businesses, especially smaller ones or those with more frequent financial reporting needs, prepare financial statement on a monthly basis. This allows for more frequent monitoring of… Read More »

Q16.2 Assurance and audit are not same: Is assurance the same as audit ?

Assurance and audit are not same Assurance and audit are not same Website link Assurance and audit are not same: Assurance and audit are related concepts but are not exactly the same. While audit is a specific type of assurance engagement, assurance encompasses a broader range of services. Assurance refers to the professional services provided… Read More »

Q16.13 What is audit and assurance in accounting ?

Audit and Assurance in Accounting Website link Audit and Assurance in Accounting: Audit and assurance are two important components of accounting that provide confidence and credibility to financial information. Audit: An audit is an independent examination of an organization’s financial statements, systems, processes, and controls to ensure that they are accurate, complete, and in compliance… Read More »

16.21 Audit and Assurance: Is assurance is audit?

Audit and Assurance   Audit and Assurance  are related concepts but are not the same thing. Assurance is a broader term that encompasses various activities aimed at providing confidence to stakeholders regarding the reliability, accuracy, and compliance of information. It involves evaluating and expressing an opinion or conclusion on a subject matter, which could be… Read More »