Tag Archives: #AssuranceAuditComparison

Q16.2 Assurance and audit are not same: Is assurance the same as audit ?

Assurance and audit are not same Assurance and audit are not same Website link Assurance and audit are not same: Assurance and audit are related concepts but are not exactly the same. While audit is a specific type of assurance engagement, assurance encompasses a broader range of services. Assurance refers to the professional services provided… Read More »

What is the difference between assurance and audit?

Audit and Assurance Difference   Difference between assurance and audit, Assurance and audit are related concepts, but they have distinct differences. Here are the key differences. Scope: Assurance is a broader concept that encompasses various services provided to enhance the credibility and reliability of information. It includes not only financial information but also non-financial information.… Read More »