Tag Archives: #AssetValueEvaluation

Which assets can be depreciated?

Depreciation on Assets   Depreciation on Assets in general, tangible assets can be depreciated. Tangible assets are physical assets that have a determinable useful life, meaning they are expected to provide economic benefits over a specific period. Common examples of tangible assets that can be depreciated include: 1.Buildings: This includes commercial buildings, residential properties, warehouses,… Read More »

How to calculate liquid net worth of a person?

Liquid Net Worth of a Person Understanding your financial health is crucial, and one of the most telling indicators is your liquid net worth. Unlike general net worth, which includes all assets, liquid net worth focuses on the assets that can be quickly and easily converted to cash. This measure provides a clearer picture of… Read More »

Are assets recorded at market value?

Market value of assets Market value of assets, Assets can be valued using various methods and approaches, depending on the nature of the asset and the purpose of the valuation. Here are some commonly use methods for valuing assets: 1.Market-based Approach: This approach relies on the prices of similar Market value of assets. Comparable sales… Read More »

Certificate format of Asset Valuation?

   Certificate format of Asset Valuation   Certificate format of Asset Valuation, [Your Company’s Letterhead] [Date] Asset Valuation Certificate To whom it may concern, This is to certify that a comprehensive Asset Valuation Certificate owned by [Company/Organization Name] has been conduct in accordance with the applicable accounting standards and industry best practices. The valuation was… Read More »