Tag Archives: #Accuracy

What compliance measures should Hospitals follow to avoid tax audit issues?

Compliance and TaxAudit   Compliance and TaxAudit, To ensure compliance and avoid tax audit issues in India, hospitals should take the following measures: ◘ Accurate Record Keeping: Hospitals should maintain thorough and accurate records of their financial transactions, patient invoices, expenses, and other relevant documents. Proper record keeping ensures transparency and makes it easier to… Read More »

What are the important points to consider before drafting a balance sheet fo the chemists?

Drafting Balance Sheet for Chemists   Drafting a balance sheet for chemists involves several crucial considerations to accurately represent their financial position. Here are the important points to keep in mind: 1. Inventory Valuation: Chemists typically hold a significant amount of inventory, including medicines and other pharmaceutical products. It’s crucial to value this inventory accurately.… Read More »