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Is statutory audit required for the Registered Nurses?

Statutory Audit for Textile & Clothes

Statutory Audit Required for Registered Nurses


No, statutory audit not required for Registered Nurses (RNs) in India.

Statutory audit is a legal requirement for certain types of businesses, but it is not requir for individuals or professionals, such as RNs.

However, there are some situations where an RN may choose to get a statutory audit done.

For example, an RN who is self-employe or who has a large amount of income may choose to get a statutory audit to ensure that their financial records are accurate and compliant with the law.

Here are some of the situations where an RN may need to get a statutory audit:

1. If the RN is self-employed and has a turnover of Rs. 1.5 crore or more in the previous financial year.

2. If the RN is a partner in a firm with a turnover of Rs. 1.5 crore or more in the previous financial year.

3. If the RN is a trustee of a trust with a turnover of Rs. 1.5 crore or more in the previous financial year.

4. If the RN is a beneficiary of a trust with a turnover of Rs. 1.5 crore or more in the previous financial year.

5. If the RN is a director of a company with a turnover of Rs. 1.5 crore or more in the previous financial year.


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