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What is the purpose of a balance sheet in the context of a computer sales and services business?

Purpose of a Balance Sheet


Purpose of a Balance Sheet, Assets within a company engaged in computer sales and services are categorized into specific groups, outlining their characteristics and significance on the balance sheet:

1. Current Assets:

These encompass resources capable of swift conversion into cash or its equivalents within a year. They encompass cash, cash equivalents, accounts receivable, inventory, and prepaid expenses.

2. Fixed Assets:

This category encompasses assets with a lifespan exceeding one year, including tangible resources such as land, buildings, equipment, furniture, and fixtures.

3. Intangible Assets:

These are assets without physical presence but hold substantial value due to inherent rights or privileges. Patents, copyrights, trademarks, and goodwill fall within this category.

4. Deferred Charges:

Representing assets documented but yet to be consumed, deferred charges encompass prepayments like prepaid rent and insurance.


The precise assets assigned to each category hinge on the specific enterprise. For instance, a computer sales and services company that integrates repair services might allocate a separate grouping for repair components.

Listing assets on the balance sheet adheres to a hierarchy of liquidity, with the most readily convertible to cash leading the order. This sequence ensures cash and its equivalents dominate, followed by accounts receivable and inventory. Fixed and intangible assets hold less immediate liquidity due to their non-cash nature.

The categorization of assets on the balance sheet carries significant implications. Primarily, it furnishes a lucid perspective on a company’s fiscal well-being. Moreover, it assists investors and creditors in gauging the entity’s cash generation capacity. Lastly, it stands as a pivotal step toward adherence to accounting standards.

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