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Prepaid exp. vs. Accounts Receivable: What is the difference between prepaid expenses and accounts receivable?

Prepaid expenses and Accounts Receivable


Prepaid exp. vs. Accounts Receivable

Prepaid expenses and accounts receivable are both important financial concepts in accounting, but they represent different types of transactions.

Prepaids expenses

It refers to payments that a company makes in advance for goods or services that it expects to receive in the future. For example, if a company pays for a year’s worth of insurance premiums in advance, this would record as a prepaid expense.

Prepaid expenses are assets on the balance sheet and are gradually expensed over time as they use or consume.

Accounts receivable

On the other hand, are amounts that are owed to a company by its customers for goods or services that have been provided on credit. Accounts receivable are also assets on the balance sheet, but they represent a company’s future cash inflows rather than prepayments. Accounts receivable typically collect within a few weeks or months after they incur.

In summary, prepaid expenses and accounts receivable represent two different types of assets on a company’s balance sheet. Prepaid expenses represent advance payments made by a company for future goods or services, while accounts receivable represent amounts owed to a company by its customers for goods or services already provided on credit.

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