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Is Pink Tax charged with the GST?

Pink tax

Pink tax


Pink tax is a term used to describe the extra amount that women are charged for certain products or services that are marketed specifically to them, compared to similar products marketed to men. This can include items such as clothing, personal care products, and healthcare services.

Pink tax is not a separate tax but rather a pricing practice that can result in women paying more for certain products and services. However, in some cases, the additional price charged for these products may include GST (Goods and Services Tax) or other taxes.

In India, there have been instances where women have been charge more for products such as haircuts and dry cleaning services, despite the fact that the services provided were identical to those offered to men. The government has taken steps to address this issue by forming committees to investigate instances of discriminatory pricing practices and working to create greater awareness around gender-based pricing discrimination.

Overall, pink tax is a controversial issue that highlights the need for greater awareness and action to address gender-based discrimination in pricing practices.



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