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Cooperative society vs NGO?

Society of nonprofits

NGO and Cooperative society 


 Cooperative society and NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) are different types of organizations that operate with distinct purposes and structures.

Here’s a comparison between the two:

Cooperative Society:

A cooperative society is a type of organization form by individuals who come together voluntarily to address their common economic, social, or cultural needs and aspirations. The members of a cooperative society actively participate in its management and have a democratic say in decision-making. The primary objective of a cooperative society is to provide economic benefits and support to its members through activities such as production, distribution, or consumption of goods and services. Cooperatives can operate in various sectors, including agriculture, consumer goods, housing, finance, and more.

NGO (Non-Governmental Organization):

An NGO is a non-profit organization that operates independently of government control and is typically driven by a specific mission or cause. NGOs are formed by individuals or groups of individuals who aim to address social, environmental, or humanitarian issues. They work towards the betterment of society, advocating for rights, providing services, and implementing projects or programs to address specific needs. NGOs can focus on a wide range of areas, such as human rights, education, healthcare, environmental conservation, poverty alleviation, and more. They rely on voluntary contributions, grants, and other sources of funding to support their activities.


Key Differences:


Cooperative societies primarily focus on economic activities and meeting the common needs of their members, whereas NGOs are more broadly focus on addressing social, environmental, or humanitarian issues.

Membership and Governance:

Cooperative societies are typically form by members who actively participate in the organization’s management and decision-making. In contrast, NGOs may have members or supporters, but their governance structure may vary, often led by a board of directors or trustees.

Economic vs Non-profit Orientation:

Cooperative societies have an economic orientation, aiming to provide economic benefits to their members,.

Whereas NGOs are non-profit organizations focus on social impact and addressing societal challenges.

Legal Framework:

Cooperative societies are govern by specific cooperative laws and regulations.

While NGOs operate under non-profit laws or regulations specific to the country or region where they are register.


It’s important to note that the specific legal frameworks and operational requirements for cooperative societies and NGOs may vary across different countries and jurisdictions. It’s advisable to consult local laws and regulations or seek legal guidance to understand the specific requirements and considerations applicable to your situation.


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