Q3.124 Karta of HUF property: Can karta will HUF property?

By | June 9, 2023

Karta of HUF

Karta of HUF : The power of the Karta (head of the Hindu Undivided Family – HUF) to make a will regarding HUF property depends on the personal laws and customs governing the HUF and the applicable legal provisions in your jurisdiction. Generally, under traditional Hindu law, the Karta of HUF does not have the authority to make a will disposing of the HUF property.

HUF property is considered ancestral property, and its succession is governed by the rules of succession and coparcenary rights. Upon the death of the Karta, the HUF property typically passes to the coparceners (such as sons or male lineal descendants) according to the rules of succession. The coparceners have a birthright in the HUF property and do not depend on the Karta’s will for their share.

However, it’s important to note that legal provisions and court rulings may vary, and there have been some exceptions and modifications to the traditional rules regarding HUF property and testamentary dispositions. It is advisable to consult with a qualified legal professional or seek advice from experts familiar with HUF matters and succession laws in your jurisdiction to understand the specific rules and possibilities regarding the Karta’s will and HUF property in your situation.

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To visit:https://www.mca.gov.in/

Position of Female as a “Karta” of the Hindu Joint Family

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