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Are there any penalty ITR latefilling for Computer Sales & Services?

ITR latefilling for Computer Sales

ITR latefilling for Computer Sales & Services businesses does indeed incur penalties.

The penalty amount varies based on the tax due and the delay period.

🕒 If the filing is delayed up to 30 days, the is 5% of the tax due.
⏳ Beyond the initial 30 days and up to 60 days, the  increases to 10% of the tax due.
⌛ For subsequent days, a  of 0.5% of the tax due is charged for each day of delay.

Besides the late filing penalty, there’s also potential interest on unpaid taxes, currently at a rate of 10% per annum.

Avoiding these penalties is possible through timely filing. Requesting an extension promptly if needed is advised.

Here are tips to sidestep late filing penalties:

⏰ Begin planning early; don’t procrastinate.
📋 Collect all tax documents ASAP.
💻 Employ tax preparation software for ease.
🖥️ Opt for electronic filing, the fastest method.
📝 Request an extension if more time is required.

Adhering to these suggestions ensures compliance and helps dodge ITR late filing penalties. Stay proactive!

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