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How LLPs can join partnership firms?

LLP without partnership agreement

How LLPs can join partnership firms


How LLPs can join partnership firms: No, it is not possible for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) to serve as a partner within a partnership firm. The LLP Act, 2008 in India does not allow an LLP to become a partner in a partnership firm. LLPs are distinct legal entities with their own separate existence, rights, and obligations. They design to operate as separate entities, typically with partners who are individuals or other legal entities.

In a partnership firm, the partners are individuals or other partnership firms, and they have a mutual agreement to carry on a business together and share the profits and losses. Partnerships are generally not considered separate legal entities like LLPs or companies.

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Therefore, while an LLP can have individual partners, it cannot be a partner itself in a partnership firm. The distinction between an LLP and a partnership firm is important to understand when considering the legal and operational aspects of these business structures.

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