What are the key financial transactions that a School, Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools should record in Bookkeeping?

By | August 29, 2023

Financial Transactions Record in BookkeepingFinancial Transactions Record in Bookkeeping


Key Financial Transactions Record in Bookkeeping for Educational Institutions in India:

1. Tuition Fees Collection:

Educational institutions should record all tuition fees collected from students. This includes regular fees, special course fees and any other charges associated with the educational program.

2. Salaries and Benefits:

Recording the salaries and benefits of faculty, staff and administrative personnel is crucial. This involves wages, allowances, provident fund contributions and any other employee-related expenses.

3. Scholarships and Grants:

Schools or institutions should document any scholarships, grants, or financial assistance provided to students.

It’s essential to accurately track financial transactions, as they affect both income and expenditure.

4. Purchase of Educational Resources:

Academic institutions should record purchases of educational materials, textbooks, laboratory equipment, and other teaching aids for academic purposes.

These expenses contribute to the institution’s overall expenditure.

5. Infrastructure Expenses:

For accurate financial reporting, organizations need to document costs related to maintaining and upgrading infrastructure, such as building repairs, renovations, and maintenance services.

6. Library Acquisitions:

Expenses incurred for purchasing new books, reference materials, digital resources and subscriptions for the library should be properly recorded.

7. Cafeteria and Hostel Income:

If the institution provides cafeteria or hostel facilities, the income generated from these services should be tracked. These contribute to the institution’s revenue.

8. Event and Workshop Fees:

Educational institutions often organize events, seminars and workshops. Fees collected from participants should be recorded as they represent an additional source of income.

9. Loan Transactions:

If the institution has taken loans for expansion or development, loan disbursements, repayments and interest payments should be meticulously recorded.

10. Donations and Endowments:

Any donations or endowments received by the institution can properly document. These may come with specific terms and conditions that need to be adhered to.

11. Insurance Premiums:

It is essential for accurate financial tracking to record insurance premiums paid if the institution has insurance coverage for assets, liability, or employees.

12. Capital Expenditures:

Major purchases or investments that enhance the institution’s capabilities, like buying land, constructing new buildings, or acquiring significant equipment, need to account for as capital expenditures.

13. Fines and Penalties:

Any fines, penalties, or charges imposed by regulatory bodies should have recorded as they affect the institution’s financial position.

14. Interest and Dividend Income:

If the institution holds investments like fixed deposits or stocks, the interest and dividend income generat from these investments should need document.

15. Research Grants:

Funds receive for research projects can track separately, detailing the income and how it’s utiliz for research-related expenses.

Properly recording these key financial transactions ensures that educational institutions maintain accurate records, meet compliance requirements and make informed financial decisions.

To visit: https://www.mca.gov.in/


All you wanted to know about specified financial transactions - The Hindu BusinessLine


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