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When financial statements are prepared?

Project Final Report


Financial statements


Financial statements, these are typically prepared at regular intervals, usually at the end of an accounting period.

The most common accounting periods are:

1. Monthly:

Some businesses, especially smaller ones or those with more frequent financial reporting needs, prepare financial statement on a monthly basis. This allows for more frequent monitoring of financial performance and helps in timely decision-making.

2. Quarterly:

Many companies prepare statements on a quarterly basis. These statements cover a three-month period and are often requir for external reporting purposes, such as regulatory filings or compliance with stock exchange requirements.

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3. Annually:

Annual financial statements are prepared by nearly all businesses. They cover a full fiscal year and considered the most comprehensive set of financial statements. Annual statement are important for shareholders, investors, lenders, and other stakeholders to assess the company’s overall performance and financial position.

The specific timing of financial statement preparation depends on the company’s accounting policies, reporting requirements, and internal processes.

After the accounting period ends, the company’s accounting personnel and finance team compile and analyze the financial data to prepare the statements.

The process typically involves gathering relevant transaction records, reconciling accounts, adjusting for accruals and deferrals, and applying accounting principles and standards.

It’s important to note that some businesses, particularly publicly traded companies, may also prepare interim financial statement. These are financial statement covering a period shorter than a full year, such as half-yearly or quarterly reports, to provide stakeholders with up-to-date information between annual reporting periods.

Ultimately, the timing of financial statement preparation determined by the company’s reporting needs, legal requirements, and the desire to provide timely and accurate information to stakeholders.


  1. When are financial statement typically prepare?
    • Financial statements are typically prepare at the end of an accounting period, such as quarterly or annually.
  2. How often should a company prepare financial statement?
    • A company should prepare financial statements at least quarterly and annually.
  3. What triggers the preparation of financial statements?
    • The end of an accounting period triggers the preparation of financial statement.
  4. Who prepares the financial statement?
    • Financial state-ment are prepare by the company’s accounting team or financial department.
  5. When are annual financial statement prepare?
    • Annual finan-cial statement are prepare at the end of the fiscal year.
  6. When are quarterly financial state-ment prepare?
    • Quarterly financial statements are prepare at the end of each fiscal quarter.


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