DSC in Trademark Application
DSC to add in a trademark application, you need to follow these steps:
1.First, generate a DSC from a licensed Certifying Authority (CA).
2.Once you have the DSC, log in to the Trademark e-filing portal using your credentials.
3.Click on the “File a new form” option and select the appropriate trademark form.
4.Fill in the required details in the form, and at the end of the form, you will find an option to attach your DSC.
5.Click on the “Attach DSC” option and select the appropriate Digital Signature Certificate file.
6.Once you have attached the DSC, click on the “Submit” button to file the trademark form.
After following these steps, your Digital Signature Certificate will be added to the trademark application, and the form will be digitally signed with your Digital Signature Certificate.
To visit: https://www.mca.gov.in