Which document is required to add a director in a private LTD company?

By | June 3, 2023


Document is required to add a director in a private LTD company

Document is required to add a director in a private LTD company: In the dynamic world of business, a company’s success often hinges on its leadership. If you’re looking to add a director to your private limited company, it’s essential to understand the necessary documentation and the procedural requirements involved. This article outlines the key documents required for adding a director to a private limited company in India, along with a brief overview of the process.

Who Can Be a Director?

A director is a person appointed to the board of a company, responsible for its governance and strategic direction. According to the Companies Act, 2013, a director must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a natural person (not a corporate entity).
  • Must be at least 18 years old.
  • Must not be disqualified from being appointed as a director under the Act.

Key Documents Required to Add a Director

When adding a director to a private limited company, several documents are necessary for compliance with the legal framework. Here’s a list of the primary documents required:

  1. Form DIR-2 (Consent to Act as Director):
    • This is a formal document wherein the propose director consents to be appointed as a director of the company. The form must be duly signed by the new director.
  2. Form DIR-3 (Application for DIN):
    • If the proposed director does not already have a Director Identification Number (DIN), they must apply for one by submitting Form DIR-3. This form includes personal details, including name, address, and date of birth.
  3. Identity Proof:
    • A government-issue photo ID, such as a passport, Aadhaar card, or voter ID, is require as proof of identity of the proposed director.
  4. Address Proof:
    • A document showing the residential address of the propose director, which can include utility bills, bank statements, or any government-issued document.
  5. Resolution of the Board:
    • A board resolution must be pass to approve the appointment of the new director. This resolution should be document in the minutes of the board meeting.
  6. Form MGT-14 (Filing of Resolution with Registrar):
    • After the board resolution is pass, Form MGT-14 needs to be file with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) to inform them about the appointment of the new director.
  7. KYC Documents:
    • If the propose director is an existing director but changing their designation, a declaration regarding their KYC (Know Your Customer) must also be provide.

The Process of Adding a Director

  1. Obtain Consent: The first step is to obtain the consent of the propose director by having them sign Form DIR-2.
  2. Apply for DIN: If the director does not have a DIN, they must complete Form DIR-3 and submit it along with the necessary identity and address proof.
  3. Board Meeting: Conduct a board meeting to pass a resolution for the appointment of the new director.
  4. File with ROC: Submit Form MGT-14 to the ROC within 30 days of passing the resolution, along with the necessary attachments.
  5. Update the Company Records: Ensure that the company’s statutory registers are update to reflect the new director’s details.
  6. Issue a Letter of Appointment: Once all formalities are complete, issue a letter of appointment to the new director outlining their roles and responsibilities.


What is the first document require to add a director?

The first document required is Form DIR-2, which is the consent of the propose director to act in that capacity.

2. Is a Director Identification Number (DIN) mandatory?

Yes, every director must have a Director Identification Number (DIN). If they don’t have one, they need to apply using Form DIR-3.

3. What identity proof is need for the propose director?

A government-issued photo ID, such as a passport, Aadhaar card, or voter ID, is require as identity proof.

4. Do I need to hold a board meeting to appoint a new director?

Yes, a board meeting must be conduct to pass a resolution for the appointment of the new director.

5. What document reflects the board’s decision to appoint a director?

The board’s decision is document in the minutes of the board meeting, along with a resolution for the appointment.

7. Can an existing director be appoint again under a new designation?

Yes, an existing director can change their designation, but a declaration regarding their KYC must be provide.

8. What address proof is need for the new director?

A document showing the residential address of the propose director, such as a utility bill or bank statement, is need as address proof.

9. Is a letter of appointment require for the new director?

Yes, once the formalities are complete, a letter of appointment outlining roles and responsibilities should be issue to the new director.

10. Can I consult someone for assistance with the process?

Yes, it is advisable to consult a company secretary or legal expert to ensure compliance with all legal requirements and accurate documentation

To visit https://www.gst.gov.in/


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